
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Back home

Hello everyone,

I was away a long time from the overall blogging scene everywhere, because I was wondering what I should do. Here I am back again. I hope to use this blog in a variety of ways; chiefly to share what I meditate on. Let's see how it goes! Anyways, here's something I found I had written down a while ago in my study book as I was spending some time in worship with God while going through Isaiah -

God's love and his need for holiness is great. His intolerance of evil is fierce and ferocious. His engagement with holiness is absolute and consuming. That is why, He is a consuming fire. It is His holiness that makes Him consuming. As we draw into His presence, that is the first thing that we become aware of - His Holiness - and consequently - our own unrighteousness, uncleanness and unworthiness.

See you folks soon,